Im back with more things on persona. So today qasn't too interesting it was mostly fighting and the little S. Linking we did was for the sake of a third party who shall remain un-named. That being said some interesting stuff happened today i.e. Fuuka's persona morphed which means A) now it has butterfly wings and B) i am now under the assumption that party member Personae evolve at certain points in the game not by S. linking. bummer.
Things with Yukari also happened. We did some S. Linking with her and found out her mom wants to forgive her. Things also got serious dude. and then at one point she decided to call us up on the cell phone telephone even though she lives literraly not even 30 seconds away, but thats not the point. the point is that when she called us she was wearing the sexiest pyjamas EVAR. Needless to say I know what im thinking about when im alone for the next EVER. Oh and then Kazushi called us and was all yo wanna hang and we were all no at which point he made a silly face.
Some not so important S. linking also happened. For instance our relationship with Mamoru and Mutatsu may be come closer soon. Also Chihiro is becoming less afraid of men. Also since we're smart we are able to hang out with the stoner in the park on sundays. Well we would be able to if our albino dog didn't steal the pen filled with his blood!!!! Did I mention Yukari's underwear? IT WAS SO TOTALY HAWT.
We also died alot more. We are at a bit in the game where grinding with monsters instead of Yukari/Yuko/Chihiro/Fuuka/Mitsuru is becoming more neccessary and since we haven't really been doing that three Hell Knights kicked our ass alot. We then grinded up the floors and threw in Mitsuru instead of Yukari because Yukari was weak to lightning, this did not work too well. After a while of trial and error we got some magic mirrors and one attack mirror and fought them again. We also pulled out Raja Naga a snake man who is immune to Lighting and strong against peirce attacks. This went over much better due to our immunities Mitsuru's succesful charming, Aigis' attacks and Ken's being dead. We won the day and proceeded to play badminton in the rain.
More P3:FES as it happens, still working on the phoenix wright thing.
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