Sunday, October 10, 2010

Persona 3 FES part 17

Three endurance run updates in 3 days, aren't you a lucky internet. So you might think some persona things happened, well they did! They weren't as cool as part 16 but some awesome stuff happened. For instance we were hanging out with Stoner Man turns out hes dying and likes us. Fuuka likes too make us food even though it's terrible, a theme that carries over into P4. What is it with Persona users and terrible cooking? Chihiro also spent some time with us, turns out she still is afraid of men but not as much. But one really important S.Link happened.

We got to 10 with Yukari, if you know what I mean. We went to her room and sat on some pillows, if you know what I mean. She said she loved  us and gave us her "Strap" if you know what I mean. Apparantly it was one her cell phone but I know what it's really for, if you know what I mean. Then we totally did it, if you know what I mean. Speaking of Yukari it turns out her dad loves her. She watched a tape that wasn't edited by the chairman that basically said. "Hey you know those 12 shadows DONT KILL THEM". A few hours ago would've been appreciated game. It also said "I love you" then her Persona evolved, but that's beside the point.

But that's beside the point, with a newly reborn persona it was time to return to Tartarus. Yes that's right Tartarus remember that place that we got to the top of? apparently its still around. When we went in there and found new steps we were shocked to discover that the new block IS A CRAZY DISCO BLOCK. It was awesome it had rainbow steps and everything. After running around briefly we reached 52 at which point we left and fused Surt the ultimate magician he totally rocks and is awesome. We also fused Dionysus who proved to be useful on the electric sword boss man it would've gone pretty well if two of our bitches weren't weak to electric so we died a few times.

We decided that since we would never beat this guy with our two current people we decided to swap them for a level 23 Akihiko and a level 37 or so Doggmund. doubled Grind ensued and we nearly doubled Akihikos level and Doggmund is almost high enough to fight the boss with us. We probably shouldn't have left them behind but, live and learn I suppose. Speaking of Tartarus and the dark hour Igor called us to him in a dream and was all, yo remember that thing you signed at the begging? well it actually means something. Apparently a big choice is comming up.

Members of our party are also going through some personal turmoil. Junpei went to visit Chidori again and she had some words for him. She was all yo this aint fun no more and he was all huh? Then she was all NEVER COME HERE AGAIN!!! and he was all awwwwwwww. Then back at school a new kid showed up and started hitting on our would be robot girlfriend. No need to say but, she was not pleased with him saying such  hurtful things as. "You are dangerous" I'm quite happy that Aigis was having none of his flirts. So that's what happened and as more happens I will keep you guys informed.

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