Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Video Games: a personal history

Hello internetz quite recently a friend of mine, Mike (maybe you've heard of him) was talking to me via facebook about why he likes video games then wrote and posted about and I, being the completely original individual that I am decided to steal his idea. Now my history starts out pretty typically, a small boy falling victim to Japanese cartoons yes I speak of the clever marketing build of pokemon. I instantly fell in love with the colorful monsters and the zany antics so naturally when I found out of the existence of a way of being a pokemon trainer myself via Pokemon Red I had to have it. I never beat red only goofed around with my pokemons and then started a new game but for quite a while I was content with the situation, eventually my eyes were opened to the world of polygonal pokemon games via Pokemon Stadium for the N64 and once again I had to have it I loved pokemon so much I think I at one point owned every N64 pokemon game out there with the acception of hey you pikachu. Eventually my mom took me to a video rental store and i took note of the ability to rent video games which is when my eyes were opened to two of my favourite N64 games Star Fox64 and Legend of Zelda the Ocarina of time. I fell in love again with the space shooterness of Star Fox and the open world/puzzle solving of zelda although I never played much further than the temple of time (I usually started there on a save file from a previous renter) and didnt ussually do much fighting.

A little while down the road I heard word of a game where all of these characters where together beating the crap out of eachother and so was exposed to my first real example of VIOLENCE my mom was reluctant getting the game due  to its T rating but I still played the hell out of that game. For a while I stuck with nintendo playing classic Game Cube games such as Harvest Moon, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and Custom Robo but then when at a friends house I was exposed to something that would change the course of my taste in games FOREVER I refer to of course, Halo: Combat Evolved the blood the competition the physics everything appealed to my 7 year old mind so once again I had to have but alas I had to wait 2 years to get my own Halo game 2 years that is when I got an xbox and halo 2 this practically set the standard for FPS games for me. A year later I picked up a copy of Fable the lost chapters which was my first western RPG and once again set my standard for the genre.

I then slowly shifted from Nintendo to Microsoft for the most part exclusively playing the Xbox so far my tastes for all of the major genres had be set with the exception of two the RTS which came much later and the JRPG. Now many people will argue that pokemon set my standard for the JRPG but I refer to Final Fantasyass JRPGs, long games with deep story lines now the same year that changed when my sister recieved a PS2 and the cross over classic Kingdom Hearts a punishingly dificult Disney/Final Fantasy cross over with cartoony characters weird storyline and a somewhat confusing narrative (for a ten year old atleast) and I have cherished the series ever since. Therefore I have never truly picked a side in the console wars but i've always leaned more towards the xbox. The rest is not too important to the story not for the next 5ish years.

I've never really cared for the politics, process or even developers of video games up until last year when my buddy Mike after much coercing convinced me to go too and have been a user ever since. Now Mike's (the person I stole this idea from (maybe you've heard of him)) post was about why he liked games and this has been more how I came to be the gamer I am today. As for why I like games it comes down to a factor of what genre it is, with shooters I love the friendly competition the satisfaction of winning and the variety of weapons. Western RPGs I like story visual flare and the multiple choice systems that make it a more personal experience. JRPGs the over the topness of the characters and story lines that distinct asthetic that indeed I am playing a JRPG and of course the ridiculous names for simple things like calling lighting spells Thunadaga. with RTSs two words StarCraft.

For those who read this I am truly sorry you had nothing betteer to do than read my ramblings but thanks for sticking with me. next, some persona.

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